Coaching Questions about Change, based on Who Moved My Cheese?

I recently read the business classic, Who Moved My Cheese? by Spencer Johnson. It’s a short book (fewer than one hundred pages with nice big type!) that is a parable sandwiched by discussions of a group of friends about its meaning and use. In the parable, two mice (named Sniff and Scurry) and two littlepeople (named Hem and Haw) search through a maze for cheese. In the story, cheese is a metaphor for whatever it is that they really want in life. All four characters find some lovely cheese, but after a while, the cheese disappears. The mice immediately start looking for new cheese. The littlepeople, by contrast, waste a lot of time complaining that the cheese is gone and hoping it will return.

After some time, one of the littlepeople comes to his senses and starts off to search for new cheese. As he goes, he writes on the wall the things he learns in the hopes his partner will see it.

As the friends discuss the parable, they reflect that the story is all about how to deal with change. One of the things they discuss is a question mentioned in the book: “What would you do if you weren’t afraid?”

This is great coaching question. After reading the book, I generated this list of coaching questions based on the story to help explore change.

If you moved beyond your fear, what could you do?

If you were not afraid, what would you do?

Are there signs that change is coming?

What would it look like to change first before you’re forced to change?

What bright future might await?

What new behaviours could move you beyond your fear?

What new behaviours could lead towards your goal?

What question would you ask yourself (or someone else) to help deal with change? What book have you read that has impacted your thinking about change? Your comment might help someone else.

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